About me

„The need not to know is at least as strong as the need to know. This need for illusion is not confined to economics; it is endemic […] Perhaps psychoanalysis could have an important effect on society by revealing some of the obstacles to seeing“ (D. Kirsner)


I take a keen interest in individuals and their cultural conditioning, how they attempt to pursue their wishes and cope with reality while also expanding the scope of what is possible. Literature, philosophy and the arts – all fields related to psychoanalysis – are close to my heart.

Professional experience

  • University lecturer at the SFU Vienna and Berlin
  • Training psychoanalyst and supervisor at the SFU Vienna
  • Registered psychotherapist and psychoanalyst
  • Psychological counsellor for children, adolescents and parents
  • Many years of experience as an educator


  • Doctoral degree in Psychotherapy Science
  • Master’s degree in Psychotherapy Science
  • Master’s degree in German philology, philosophy, psychology, pedagogy

Teaching, congresses, conferences, events

  • Presentation of the anthology „Neu denken und handeln“ (Ed. Daniela Kammerer, Helga Klug, Jeanne Wolff Bernstein) at the Sigmund Freud Museum Vienna, 6 March 2025, 7pm.
  • Panelist at the Sigmund Freud Museum Vienna: June 6, 2024
  • Theater Festival „Wortwiege 2024“ – panelist at the „Salon am Sonntag“ ( 29.2.) with Anna Maria Krassnigg and Wolfgang Müller-Funk on the topic of „violation, fragility, destruction“ >>wortwiege
  • Book presentation “Zum Unbehagen in der Kultur” at the Sigmund Freud Museum Vienna (April 2023) and at the PSZ Zurich (December 2022)
  • Panel Discussion (November 2022): Dig Up Productions / Elisabeth Tambwe (AT/DE/CD) SALON SOUTERRAIN: Tummies and Moods
  • Panel Discussion (June 2022): Dig Up Productions / Elisabeth Tambwe (AT/DE/CD) SALON SOUTERRAIN: Bodies in Transformation
  • Lecturer at SFU Berlin since 2020
  • 2019 Lecturer at the Albanian Association For Psychotherapy, Tirana
  • Paper presented at the 17th International Symposium of the Group Analytic Society International, Berlin, August 2017
  • Participant at the Moments of Crisis congress of the New Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis, Geneva, May 2015
  • Participant at the 19th Congress of the International Association for Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes, Rovinj, Croatia, August 2015
  • Teacher at the SFU Summer School, Vienna, 2014
  • Participant at the Babel – Myth and Present conference The intercultural competence of groups, Granada, 2013
  • Participant at the 18th Annual Conference of the International Association of Dynamic Psychotherapy, Sendai, Japan
  • Teacher at the SFU Summer School, Vienna, 2012


  • Daniela Kammerer, Helga Klug, Jeanne Wolf Bernstein (Hg.): Neu denken und handeln. Der Einfluss gesellschaftlicher Umbrüche auf die Psychoanalyse. Gießen: Psychosozial-Verlag (November 2024)
  • Helga Klug, Markus Brunner, Julia Skip-Schrötter (Hg.): Zum Unbehagen in der Kultur. Psychoanalytische Erkundungen der Gegenwart. Gießen: Psychosozial-Verlag 2021
  • Helga Klug: Die Finanzkrise 2008 im Unbewussten. Über die Ökonomie des Seelenlebens in Zeiten der Krise.
    Springer: 2020 Open Access
  • Rezensionen zu: August Aichhorn „Verwahrloste Jugend”, Siegfried Bernfeld „Sisyphos oder die Grenzen der Erziehung”, Luc Ciompi „Affektlogik” und Erich Fromm „Haben oder Sein” In: A. Pritz (Hrsg.) „Einhundert Meisterwerke der Psychotherapie”. Ein Literaturführer. Wien: Springer 2008



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